We continue to make progress on recommendations from the Moving Forward Together report.
Our Reconciliation Update Bulletin July 2024 shares the latest learnings and updates on our progress.

This strategy is part of our commitment to adopt and put in place policies and practices based on UNDRIP.

Our Reconciliation Journey

At the board’s direction, we started work in 2019 on the Moving Forward Together (MFT) engagement. Conversations began with Indigenous communities, organizations, partners and Nations. This work paved the way for our next steps and have led to actionable plans, priorities, and strategies.  


Since the release of the MFT report in 2021, BC Housing put the following recommendations in place:

  • Established the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (OEDIB) 
  • Dedicated resources to lead reconciliation and equity work 
  • Began a commission-wide equity assessment  
  • Required Indigenous awareness as a baseline education for BC Housing employees 
  • Initiated internal infrastructure to support Indigenous employees, communities, and partners 

From 2022 to present BC Housing began developing the second phase of our reconciliation work, based on the following: 

  • 2020 - Moving Forward Together Report (MFT) engagements  
  • 2022 - Indigenous Design Guidelines engagements   
  • On-going conversations with Indigenous communities, organizations, First Nations and Métis partners
  • On-going conversations with BC Housing employees across several teams

BC Housing’s Reconciliation Strategy sets our direction. It shows how we can enhance our organization by building capacity, policies, systems, and programs. The strategy incorporates principles of equity and reconciliation as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Our Path

We are committed to a distinction-based approach. A distinction-based approach means that our work respects and acknowledges the unique cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. To this end, we will work in a manner that acknowledges the specific rights, interests, priorities and concerns of Indigenous groups.  

Our Reconciliation Strategy focuses on addressing oppressive legacies of colonialism and its present-day impacts on Indigenous Peoples. Meaningful relationships will be at the centre of our work and include a commitment to nurturing Indigenous cultures, diversity, protocols, needs and experiences as we move forward together. Reconciliation needs us all. Our shared strength and humanity can help us cultivate a path forward.

Our Actions

We are leaning in, from the Moving Forward Together (MFT) engagements to on-going reconciliation conversations, we are keeping the reconciliation dialogue going with partners and Indigenous communities.  

We can't do it alone. In the spirit of co-creation and relationship growth, we need you to join us. Rightsholders, Indigenous partners, community members, stakeholders -- Share your expertise and experience. Tell us how we can put in place strategies, plans and actions that support reconciliation. 

To connect with us email: [email protected].

More Resources and Information

Moving Forward Together Report

The MFT report lays out the work ahead. The report outlines how BC Housing, with input and support from Indigenous partners, will move forward. We are creating a path to move towards a multi-faceted reconciliation strategy.  

Partner Bulletin: BC Housing’s Reconciliation Update 

These bulletins honours our commitment to share our progress and path to reconciliation, and identifies key efforts in alignment with the MFT report themes.  

Reconciliation: Moving Forward Together

The full report is now available for download. The report lays out significant work ahead for BC Housing to undertake in moving towards developing a multi-faceted Reconciliation Strategy. For an overview of the action plan, see below.