Women’s Transition Housing and Supports Program

Find out about housing services and supports for women and children who have experienced violence or are at risk of experiencing violence. These include transition houses, safe homes and second stage housing and long term housing.

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BC Housing supports more than 150 programs including transition houses, safe homes, second stage and long-term housing for women and their children who at risk of, or who have experienced violence. The programs provide a temporary place to stay, support services, referrals, and assistance in planning next steps.

Age & Eligibility

  • Services are for women aged 19 years and older, with or without their dependent children.
  • Those younger than 19 who are living independently may also be eligible for services. If you are under 19 years of age, connect with a transition house program for further details.
  • All women and children who at risk of, or who have experienced violence, are eligible for program services regardless of ethno-cultural background, religious beliefs, physical ability, health, mental wellness, social context, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.


  • Services are available to those who speak any language.
  • Language should not be a barrier for those seeking help.

Transition houses – Transition houses provide safe, temporary 24/7 staffed shelter, typically for 30 days. Most transition houses are residential homes in confidential locations where women and families live communally. Support Workers in these homes provide emotional support, crisis intervention and safety planning.

Safe homes – If you live in a remote community, you may be able to access a safe home program. Safe home programs provide short-term shelter, emotional support, safety planning and referrals. Short-term safe shelter is provided in a variety of ways depending on the community, such as an apartment or townhouse unit, a hotel or motel room, or a secure room in a private home.

Second stage housing – Second stage housing is usually a private, secure, low-cost apartment or townhouse unit where you can live safely and independently typically for 6 - 18 months. Staff are available to provide emotional support, safety planning and referrals.

Long term housing – Long-term housing provides subsidized rental housing to women, gender-diverse people and/or children at risk of violence or with lived experienced. Rental fees are calculated on a rent geared to income basis, specifically 30% of the household's total gross income, with a minimum rent based on number of people in the household. Some tenant supports are also available including safety planning and referrals.

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